Demographic dividend

Demographic change as a driver of economic growth

Will Africa really profit from a demographic dividend?

Population growth

Global challenge

Africa needs 450 million new jobs to benefit from the demographic dividend

Public health

Paying a price

Even expensive vaccines prove quite cost-effective


A shot in the arm

Vaccination can be a powerful tool in the fight against poverty in sub-Saharan Africa


“A supportive environment”

Progress in promoting awareness of water sanitation and hygiene in Filipino schools

Social entrepreneur

Enlightening the young generation

In spite of financial constraints, Frank Masanta is running the school for disadvantaged children in Lusaka, Zambia


No level playing field

Facing considerable risks, youngsters in developing countries use digital technology for recreational purposes

Media literacy

Telling good information from bad

Guatemala’s disadvantaged children are learning to distinguish good information from misinformation, in a pioneering media outreach project


A real school at last

In a refugee camp for Syrians in Lebanon, volunteers have established a school

Gender equality

Use the gender lens

UNESCO assessment of gender bias in education

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