Development and


Human rights

The road to mass starvation

In South Sudan, many people are still internally displaced – the recent peace treaty is a sham


Fortress Europe

Samir Abi: The EU’s policies on asylum and migration reconfirm Africans’ perception of “Fortress Europe”


A total disregard for girls

Damilola Oyedele: The abduction of schoolgirls is part of a generalised mistreatment of women in northern Nigeria

Election campaign

Lasting relevance of violence

Afghanistan’s two remaining presidential candidates share many policy ideas


More knowledge, more innovation

Sabine Balk: Farms must become more productive to feed all of humankind in the long run


Food safety “from farm to fork”

What Metro's suppliers and customers are taught in Vietnam to ensure food safety

Identity politics

A dangerous choice

Indian election result may yet spell violent trouble

Expert opinion

Lasting relevance

How experts assess the results of the High-Level-Meeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Mexico City


All politics is local

Devolution of government powers to sub-national levels deepens democracy and serves long term stability

Twin cities

Tackling climate issues

Local governments in Germany draft and implement climate policies with twin cities in the Global South

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