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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschlands
International relations

Reconsidering development cooperation

The aid system must adapt to a fast changing world and rise to new challenges

International relations

A call for global engagement

Germany enjoys worldwide respect as a guardian of Western values


Development service as a place of learning

On mission, German development workers acquire skills, and better documentation would serve their careers


Continuity through a new legislative basis

What difference a law on development policy could make in Germany

Financial cooperation

More money for development

In 2017, KfW committed € 9.7 billion to new development projects worldwide


Highlight hardship – but point out progress as well

Charity organisations need to show achievements, not just suffering

Municipal development cooperation

Act locally – think globally

Many municipal development projects are actively involving migrants and refugees

Private sector

Sustainability pays

Managers must be made aware of the advantages of sustainability

International affairs

Perceptions of “the west”

How Europeans consider their countries differs from what people in developing countries think


Reasons why you can trust us

How you can tell that what we publish is not fake news

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.