Development and



Why I fear Ethiopia’s new conflict may prove long and brutal

Tigray has a long history of violent insurrection, and its leaders used to dominate politics in Addis Ababa


Why non-violence makes sense for Belarussian opposition

Two political scientists argue that civil disobedience is the most promising way to oppose an authoritarian regime


Stay alert - after sigh of relief due to Biden’s victory

New US administration will boost international cooperation, but may yet be obstructed by Republican-dominated Senate

Global data

Poverty is worsening

Why the World Bank expects extreme poverty to increase dramatically this year


Attempting to entrench minority rule in the USA

Why US democracy is indeed at risk

Our view

Taking stock of pandemic impacts

Covid-19 is proving to be an even more complex and longer lasting challenge than initially expected


US president praises an extrajudicial killing

This Trump scandal deserves more attention

US elections

Kleptocracy and authoritarianism

Why powerful interests still support Donald Trump

Global affairs

Painting the big picture

Samir Puri assesses how past empires shape today’s world views in different world regions in a new book

Germany’s Federal Government

Encouraging enthusiasm

In his new book, Germany’s federal minister for economic cooperation and development makes radical and relevant demands

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