Development and



There is no democratic equality online

Freedom of speech and the internet


Why Putin’s imperialist war must be condemned

Russia’s attack on Ukraine fundamentally differs from recent western-led military campaigns

Our View

Global challenges require global responses

Humanity’s common future depends on sovereign governments cooperating to ensure prudent global governance

Gender justice

Mexico claims to pursue a “feminist” foreign policy

In Mexico, government rhetoric on women’s rights is better than what women experience in daily life

Relevant reading

American journalist sheds light on plutocrats’ anxieties

An important book explores how the super-rich live, and why their wealth harms us all


Why the term “plutocrat populism” makes sense

Fake-news propaganda often serves the interests of the superrich who benefit from tax havens

Nationalist warfare

Putin’s attitude is imperialist and his mindset paranoid

Why Russia’s attack on Ukraine is totally unacceptable


To promote democracy, Biden should lead by example

Anti-democratic leaders must not be allowed to shine on White House’ digital stage

Indian farmers’ victory

No, Narendra Modi is no liberal reformer

In India, the issues of rural poverty and farm subsidies remain unresolved

Glasgow COP26

Climate crisis: 1.5° goal is alive, but comatose

COP26 decides to leave the most vulnerable people behind

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