Development and



Life-threatening plagiarism

The global trade in fake pharma


Precious soil

The pros and cons of large-scale land purchases by foreign investors in developing countries

Climate Change

Unaware of risks

Huge Dam projects in the Himalayas pay no attention to global warming

Electric power

Rural self-sufficiency

South Indian village is self-sufficient in terms of power generation

Regional integration

Out of touch

Slow progress on regional integration in Africa

Higher education

Justice matters

Law schools must teach students complex notions of justice


Loans for small businesses

Microfinance schemes are making a difference in Afghanistan

Public participation

Ambivalent role

Cautious attempts to involve citizens in the management of Chinese urban agglomerations

Intergovernmental cooperation

West Africa sets an example

International Management of the River Niger

Social networks

Urban-rural lifestyles

Rural-urban networking secures livelihoods

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