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In brief

UN 2030 Agenda

Make SDGs binding with the help of new institutions

Expert group calls for new sustainability governance within the UN system


Connecting all dots

Tangible examples of climate collaboration across government levels deserve policymakers’ attention


The pros and cons of the Ol-chiki script

Why a special alphabet for a minority’s language is controversial in India


International NGO assesses pandemic impacts on human right

Human Rights Watch takes stock of Covid-19 pandemic

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Media literacy

Limit spread of fake news, starting in schools

Knowing what news sources are reliable – and why – is a key component of media literacy

Global governance

Global sustainability depends on financial integrity

High-level panel makes proposals on curbing illicit financial flows internationally


Digital literacy would help Pakistan’s female population

Why most Pakistani women are denied digital opportunities


Environmentally enhanced Human Development Index

In response to dramatic risks, UNDP now considers environmental aspects in modified Human Development Index


How the GIZ is learning from experience

GIZ publishes evaluation report 2020

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.