In brief
Natural disasters

Consequences of cyclone Freddy

Malawi is particularly hard hit by the climate crisis. One year after tropical storm Freddy, the devastation is still catastrophic, and the lingering effects of the storm are robbing girls and women in particular of their future.


Italy’s castor-oil plans for Africa

The Italian government’s Mattei Plan aims to position the country as an “energy hub” between Europe and Africa. Among other things, castor-oil plantations are being touted as a climate-friendly energy alternative.


Messages of hate and Hindu dominance

India’s ruling party, the BJP, has a long history of contempt for the nation’s large Muslim minority

Development paradigms

How the SDGs are different

For many years, the paradigm was that underdeveloped countries should catch up.


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Sexualised violence

In war as in peace

Awareness of sexualised violence in conflicts is mostly focused on its strategic aspects. However, it is also vital to address systemic discrimination and violence against women in peacetime

Ecological transition

Energy partnerships for the ecological transition

The so-called just transition is expensive. Rich countries need to support poorer ones.


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Climate crisis

Floods in the desert

Extreme weather events show the effects of global heating. The worst affected are those most in need – for example in Kakuma in northern Kenya, one of the world’s largest refugee camps.

Indigenous identity

Indigenous people make themselves heard through art

In an exhibition at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne, Indigenous Australians show their cultural diversity, history and identity

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