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In brief
Disaster preparedness

Boosting disaster preparedness in the Ganges Delta

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress towards climate resilience


Travelling far to keep herds alive

Why drought exacerbates tensions between herders and farmers in East Africa

Food security

New global alliance

G7 are teaming up with international partners on the “Global Alliance for Food Security”

Supply chains

Multi-stakeholder initiative held back by industry lobbies

Textile Partnership has achieved results, but more can be done

Global heating

Lake Tanganyika: levees needed

Tens of thousands of Burundians have been displaced by impacts of climate crisis

Relevant reading

American journalist sheds light on plutocrats’ anxieties

An important book explores how the super-rich live, and why their wealth harms us all

Social protection

Financing health systems for informal workers

Many informal workers cannot afford to pay cost-covering contributions, so cross-subsidisation is often needed


Nairobi-based business lobby issues pre-election manifesto

What the Kenya Association of Manufacturers wants the next government to do

Used clothing

Nobody gains from cheap clothing

Expert explains why exporting used clothing from Germany to Africa is not unethical

World Risk Index 2021

Small island states and Africa are particularly vulnerable

African societies are the most vulnerable when disasters strike

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.