Development and

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Domestic violence

Taking cover

Zimbabwean women are experiencing a wave of domestic violence

Sex education

Keeping girls in school

Burundi is bringing into schools a traditional method of sex-education counseling for teenagers, with good early results

Informal sector

Devastated businesses

Zambia’s informal sector has been hit hard by Covid-19 lockdown

Mobile phones

Ringing up sales

Little-known Chinese brands are taking over the smartphone market in Zambia


Running dry

Zimbabwe’s drought drags on, causing severe hardships across the population and with no end in sight

Solar energy

Power from the sun

Zambia increasingly is relying on solar power and developing a related industry

Climate action

Covid-19 and the climate crisis are linked

Handled in a good way, crises can help to improve humankind’s resilience


Confronting the disease

Depression afflicts 12 million Brazilians, proportionately more than anywhere else in Latin America

Useless suffering

Temples over hospitals

It took India only 20 days to progress from 1 million to 2 million Covid-19 infections

Fire hazards

Up in flames

Zambian poor are increasingly subject to fire hazards from charcoal and firewood they use for heating and cooking

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