
Removing Gaddafi from schoolbooks

In post-revolution Libya, schools are using drastically different history books


Judging the judges

Judging the judges:­ independent branch of government must not be beyond criticism

Global Governance

Misguided criticism

Criticism of International Criminal Court being too focussed on Africa is misleading

Post-conflict countries

No easy answers

Hard questions and no easy answers: the dilemmas of transitional justice

Peace building

Transitional justice and post-conflict recovery

Long version – Henrietta J.A.N. Mensa-Bonsu: Hard questions concerning transitional justice


Never-ending story

Without judicial intervention, the East Kolktata Wetlands would no longer exist

Promoting democracy

Responsible donor action required

Donors can help establish democracy in a developing country – if they pay attention to long-term issues

Separation of powers

Ambiguous ambitions

Pakistan's Supreme Court must protect fundamental rights without overstepping its jurisdiction

Soft Power

Last hope

The EU needs to do more to promote democracy in Tunisia


Civic space

Civicus assesses civil liberties around the world, and criticises donors for supporting authoritarian regimes in Ethiopia and Vietnam

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