Development studies

The middle-class hype

It is doubtful, whether middle classes in developing countries are driving progress


Clashes within civilisations

Islamist terrorism is an expression of clashes within civilisations, not between them


Dangerous job

According to Reporters without Borders, 66 journalists were murdered in 2014


Hard times

Journalism is at risk in many countries: reasons include poor revenues and authoritarian regimes

Media development

Freedom of expression promotes democracy

Alexander Matschke: Promoting free media is a task for development policy


Staying safe and sane

Petra Tabeling: In crisis areas, journalists are at risk in physical and psychological terms.


Blogging for change

Young bloggers discuss daily life under Israeli occupation in Palestine

Lifelong learning

Online follow-up

After face-to-face seminars have ended, development agencies should continue journalistic training online


Breaking the silence

How raped women in Guatemala found the courage to talk about their fate


Questions of ownership

Development success depends on national ownership

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