
Charisma is not enough

In Mexico, candidates on the right and left present themselves as men of the people


Worthless promises

Populists deny the legitimacy of diverging interests

Extrajudicial killings

National suicide

President Duterte linked to unprecedented extrajudicial killings in the Philippines


An ancient land

In Egypt, different ideas of the nation have served different political


Distorted choices

Many Ghanaians sell their votes to the politician who offers most

North Africa

Defining the nation

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s idea of the Egyptian nation does not include every Egyptian


Right-wing populists in the EU

Right-wing populism is gaining ground in Europe

Political foundations

Civil society’s shrinking space

Civil-society organisations are under pressure in many countries – and so are their international partners


Divided continent

The rise of right-wing populism is throwing Europe off-balance

Endangered pluralism

Damaged democracy

Assessing the meaning of populism and how the phenomenon relates to technocratic governance

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