
300 pages, 250 years, 8 generations

Yaa Gyasi’s first novel explores the brutal history of how the slave trade shaped West Africa and North America

Anti-democratic policies

The threatening danger of fascism

Former US Secretary of State warns that democratic values are being undermined incrementally

Violent strife

Rekindling the war on drugs

Why destroying Colombian coca fields with pesticides may backfire terribly


Left-wing populists cause hardship too

What Venezuela and Zimbabwe have in common

Economic doctrines

Mutual obligations

Paul Collier's new book is a response to the twin shocks of 2016: Brexit and Trump


Fighting false information

To prevent conflicts during the upcoming elections, Indonesian journalists aim to fact-check online information

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a backward-looking leader

Bangladesh's recent elections were neither free nor fair

Our view

Involve the people

Good legislation must reflect people’s views and contribute to solving their problems


Brave professionals

By hounding the Rappler website, President Duterte of the Philippines is intimidating journalists in general

Human rights

Limited freedom of expression

Media is increasingly under pressure all over the world

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