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Primary schools

India is facing huge challenges

India’s rural primary schools still have room for improvement


Setting the right example

In India, non-formal schools perform well, especially among those least likely to get a good education

Winter Olympics

Troubled legacy

IOC promises to learn lessons from human-rights abuses in Sochi

West must uphold civil liberties

The challenge of Donald Trump and other authoritarian leaders


Robbed of a role model

South African President Jacob Zuma rocks the confidence of the whole region


The power of sports

Playing in a team fosters disabled athletes’ health, self esteem and social integration


Lasting solutions

Germany’s Civil Peace Service supports non-violent conflict resolutions in order to build long-term peace


Bracing for attacks

After terrorist attacks nearby, Ghanaians worry

Global role model

Harmful competition

World Bank and AIIB must not only pay lip service to social and environmental standards

Global role model

Rolling back protection

The World Bank plans to dilute its social and environmental standards

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.