Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Arab spring

“Jobs are hard to find”

An eyewitness assesses Egypt's situation two years after the uprising against Hosni Mubarak: "Tough and confusing times"

Working conditions

Limited union rights

Clean Clothes Campaign wants European governments to enforce transparency in the global textiles trade

Financial sector

Aspiring to be a continental beacon

Ecobank is trailblazing development-friendly banking in Africa's private sector

Financial markets

Too much of the same

Globally harmonised banking regulation does not serve developing countries’ needs

Private Sector

Untapped business potential

World Bank subsidiary IFC emphasises women’s role in business

Labour relations

Distorted ­perception

German media's distorted idea of garments production in Bangladesh


Three steps forward, one step back

To fight poverty in Africa, fast growth in itself won't do

Southeast Asia

Need for prudent policy

Asian Development Bank sees potential and need for action in Myanmar


West African opportunity

It's time to unpeg CFA Franc from Euro, argues Senegales journalist

Financial markets

Rating lords

How rating agencies thwart development

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