Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Overwhelming health challenges

In Malawi, hospitals and health facilities are overburdened and on the verge of collapse, the government is powerless due to financial restraints

Energy prices

Oil price back to pre-war level

Why the oil price fell again and what happens to Russian oil

Poverty reduction

Economic growth is not a magic wand for Africa

Due to multiple crises, millions in Africa are sliding even deeper into poverty. But to simply call for economic growth misses African realities


Disillusionment after elections in Malawi

Disappointment grows across the country as the economy flounders, and corruption weakens trust in politicians

Tigray conflict

Ethiopia’s fragile peace

A peace treaty aims to end the Tigray conflict in northern Ethiopia – but it can only succeed if underlying problems are addressed


Mexico wants to prevent teenage pregnancies

What young Latin Americans must learn about sex and reproductive health

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Libya lapses into Gaddafi nostalgia

More than ten years after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime, the situation in Libya is so devastating that some long for pre-revolutionary times

Demographic dividend

Benefiting from falling numbers of children

Under certain conditions, falling birth rates can produce a “demographic dividend”, for example in sub-Saharan Africa

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Technological development

Affordable internet access for all

In Zambia, internet access is still limited, but the Starlink company of US billionaire Elon Musk aims to improve the situation

Overview fiscal space

Governments’ budget constraints are too tight

To rise to the challenges of the current polycrisis, governments need more fiscal space

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