Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Keynesianism – then and now

What Keynesianism means, and why it matters today

Macroeconomic policy

Another Bretton Woods moment

The IMF wants governments to increase their debt in order to respond decisively to Covid-19 and global warming


Where gardens contribute to families' vital resources

A home-grown farming sector is taking root in Zambia’s mining regions


Trade agreements as door-openers

Trade agreements secure lucrative markets for Big Food

Food industry

Profit prioritised

Food manufacturers undermine healthy eating and promote malnutrition


Collision course on Malawi's roads

A rising death toll from motorcycle accidents has prompted tighter rules

Our view

Taking stock of pandemic impacts

Covid-19 is proving to be an even more complex and longer lasting challenge than initially expected

Population growth

Putting Africa first

A ‘demographic dividend’ is a first step towards eradicating poverty in Africa

Honey trade

When the bee stings

Zambia is strengthening its organic honey sector, but a special deal with China has stung local traders

Development finance

Developing local supply chains and digital services

In insecure times like these, sustainable development financing is more important than ever

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