Development and


SWP publication

The decisive challenge

SWP: Youth bulge results in greater economic opportunities – but also increases risks of conflict


Not quite on track

Even though Zambia’s economy has been growing fast recently, many MDGs still look out of reach

High-Level Panel report

New partnership

High-Level Panel calls for new global UN development agenda and an end to poverty by 2030


Shades of green

PEGNet 2013: Why green growth policy can be bad for poor people and how to avoid harm


African innovation hubs

African IT centres and business incubators are spawning fast


Offering opportunities

DUCA offers disadvantaged adolescents in Douala basic training and helps them find good livelihoods


Good-for-nothings deserve opportunities

Supposed good-for-nothings deserve a chance to prove their potential in real jobs

Social norms

Marginalised majority

African youth deserves to be listened to and must shoulder responsibility for their nations' development


Becoming agents of change

Young people in the Palestinian Territories deserve more say in public affairs

Youth unemployment

The right business environment

To fight youth unemployment, Asia needs more jobs, not more schools

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