Global warming

A Herculean task

Climate experts call for global warming to be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100

Human trafficking

Deeply rooted slavery

Although slavery is illegal, it still exists in many countries – Mauritania for example


A sad record

Most illegal opiate profits accrue outside Afghanistan

Multilateral bank

Vast role for governments

World Bank wants governments to do more to build human capital, generate taxes and provide social protection


Protesting youth

Honduran youth protest against poverty, lack of prospects, corruption and violence


Fear of exclusion

Non-extreme poverty is a major problem in Lebanon, and state agencies do not help

PEGNet conference

Education for social advancement

Quality education for all helps to overcome social inequality

Informal employment

Fixing broken phones

Some IT graduates in Zambia find livelihoods by repairing mobile phones

Development strategy

“People have created poverty”

Anthropologist reframes poverty the result of plundering by a few people in rich countries at poor countries’ expense

World Bank Report on work, social protection and taxes

State action to facilitate market dynamics

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