
Count in human beings

Two Nobel laureates want economists to focus more on empirical reality


Oil majors feel the shock

Multinational oil companies are under pressure

Oil markets

How the mighty have fallen

Oil producers are not able to send shock waves through the global economy anymore

Health professionals

The impact of brain drain

When health professionals migrate to prosperous countries, they no longer serve patients at home

Universal basic income

Social transfers stabilise aggregate demand

The Covid-19 crisis is the right time to test UBI policies


The urgency of public works programmes

Labour-intensive public employment schemes build vital infrastructure and alleviate poverty at the same time

Development finance

Africa’s private sector needs support

In Covid-19 crisis, EDFI members can ease the plight of private-sector companies in low-income countries

Ageing and social protection

Africa’s demographic transition

For the care and social protection of Africa's aging population, governments must now take action

Social inequality

Care-giving and household chores keep women poor

Social inequality is hampering efforts to overcome poverty – women and girls are particularly affected

Societal Ageing

Turning grey

The rapid ageing of India’s population raises questions about who will support the country’s old people in future

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