Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini


Adapting to climate change

Valuable protection

The WAVE initiative calls attention to the value of ecosystem services that are provided by mangroves and coral reefs

Climate change

Predictable disasters

In Bangladesh, climate change is accelerating rural-urban migration


Fishermen versus oil giant

Seven years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP has still not compensated Mexican fishing communities

Coastal communities

Fish species are disappearing

In West Africa, coastal communities’ livelihoods are at risk because of overfishing and oil production

Food security

Dramatic threat to maize harvest

A new pest is destroying maize fields in Southern Africa


Resolving conflicts over land and water

Peace Parks could be a model for cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa

Corporate Atlas 2017

Controlling our food

A small number of multinational corporations control the global food industry from the field to the supermarket shelf

Kolkata is making progress, but slower than I had hoped

Judges play a role in urban development in India

Dhaka – a fast changing agglomeration

Dramatic urban development in Bangladesh


Fading forests

New pests are decimating Zimbabwe’s forests

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