Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini


Multilateral agenda

Unprecedented – but underfunded

The SDGs cannot be achieved unless that agenda is properly financed in low-income countries


Less rain, less electricity, less food

Little rainfall in Zambia leads to power cuts and low maize production


A million species at risk

The World Biodiversity Council issues a warning about mass extinction and pushes for the adoption of ambitious environmental protection measures


WBGU proposals

How to make the digital transformation to sustainability happen

Expert advice

En route to a digital future

WBGU wants digital revolution to drive sustainable development

Global affairs

Pecking order of nations

Arrogant US approach is boosting nationalism in China and undermining multilateral policymaking

Climate finance

Ambiguity instead of accountability

The international community urgently needs a clear definition of what exactly counts as climate finance

Natural disasters

Dangerous signs of climate change

Cyclones are becoming more frequent in Zimbabwe, due to climate change

Global governance

Navigating complex policy arenas

Two interactive online tools can help to understand global environmental policymaking better


More satisfaction and happiness

Many young climate activists will find Mike Berners-Lee’s new book “There is no planet B” useful

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