Development and


Water crisis

Parched and privatised

Chile faces serious water shortages due to the climate crisis


Marginalised women’s plight

Women’s stressful duty of procuring water

Urban life

No water – or too much of it

2019 Chennai suffered a terrible drought – after devastating flooding four years earlier

Climate protection

Appropriate carbon prices

Why carbon emissions pricing and carbon shadow pricing both make sense


Oil majors feel the shock

Multinational oil companies are under pressure

Oil markets

How the mighty have fallen

Oil producers are not able to send shock waves through the global economy anymore

KfW financing

Investing in better networks

This is where KfW invests in new storage facilities and networks for renewable energy

Wind and solar

The right approach to catching up

Africa is exposed to serious climate risks, but the continent contributes very little to global carbon emissions


Networks and storage needed

The global transition towards renewable energy can only succeed if the necessary networks and storage capacities are available

Fossil fuel

Bangladesh’s coal boom

International financial institutions are funding coal power in Bangladesh

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