Trade policy
Regional integration

“Our nations are moving together“

ASEAN nations are integrating


Long term risks to food security

Food security: humanity needs different models for production and consumption

Food security

Infringement of farmers’ rights

Strict enforcement of intellectual property rights hurts farmers

Farmers' rights in India

The way it always was

India’s law on plant variety protection and farmers’ rights

Reginal integration

Key role for Bolivia

The confusing landscape of South America’s regional alliances

Regional integration

A quarter of humanity

A signal to the world: China and ASEAN join in ACFTA

German development cooperation

“Africa must unite”

Deutschland unterstützt regionale Integration in Afrika

Cross-border cooperation

Deep integration

Even though deep integration could serve developing countries, the strategy is politically controversial


Shared interest

Germany’s distorted coffee market

Trade and regional integration

Tough EPA talks

EPA talks are stalling, capacity building might help

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