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Amts- und Regierungsführung


Messages of hate and Hindu dominance

India’s ruling party, the BJP, has a long history of contempt for the nation’s large Muslim minority


Why South India snubs Modi

In the current election campaign India’s prime minister is emphasising identity politics that so far have not resonated much in regions with Dravidian languages.


Two peoples’ experience of displacement

The greatest problem in the Israel-Palestine conflict is that both sides have reason to believe the other one wants to destroy them.

Pakistan’s elections

Tangible action needed in Pakistan

After disputed elections in Pakistan, a new coalition has taken office. It faces huge challenges, especially regarding the stabilisation of the economy and better disaster preparedness.

Development paradigms

How the SDGs are different

For many years, the paradigm was that underdeveloped countries should catch up.

Rules-based world order

In Gaza, children are dying of hunger

Israel has the legal obligation to stop the unprecedented humanitarian crisis on territory occupied by its troops.

Global development

More political literacy would benefit African governance

African policymakers excel at second-guessing donor wishes, and their nation’s true needs are often only an after-thought.

Military regimes


On 28 January, the military regimes of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger withdrew from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) with immediate effect. This has grave consequences for the entire region.

International climate protection

“You cannot always wait for everyone”

According to climate expert Mojib Latif, the climate crisis is also pushing rich countries to the limit. He is calling for governments to be more open with citizens – and for more international cooperation.


Prolonged hardship in Malawi

Many Malawians are disappointed with their government, abandoning the hope that their economic situation will change for better

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