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Food insecurity

Food insecurity: alarming international trends

This year’s Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that things are getting worse

War crimes

Children at arms

Short- and long-term measures are needed to stop the use of child soldiers


How the GIZ is learning from experience

GIZ publishes evaluation report 2020


Medical mystery

Thefts of Covid-19 medical supplies highlight Kenya’s corruption problem


Why I fear Ethiopia’s new conflict may prove long and brutal

Tigray has a long history of violent insurrection, and its leaders used to dominate politics in Addis Ababa


Why non-violence makes sense for Belarussian opposition

Two political scientists argue that civil disobedience is the most promising way to oppose an authoritarian regime

Failed state

A slide into war and chaos

Afghanistan’s dire conditions of poverty, conflict and lawlessness trace their roots to the Soviet occupation that began 40 years ago

Global trends

In urgent need of development

If Africa is not to fall behind further, the continent must develop fast

Our view

Belonging together

Nations are nothing natural, but human-made “imagined communities”


A boost for women

A start-up school teaching work skills to women aims to narrow Guatemala’s gender gap

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.