Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Saudi Arabia

Breaking up ossified structures

The labour market in Saudi Arabia is inflexible, unjust and limiting the country’s economic renewal

Development Effectiveness Rating

Measuring how good a job is

DEG uses new tool for assessing employment quality and developmental impacts

Fake history – why an otherwise excellent movie disappoints

A film concerning the partition of India is based on a conspiracy theory

Gender-based violence

Women at risk of abuse

Gender-based violence is harming women in Zanzibar


Men against violence against women

A Ugandan media celebrity calls on his fellow men to take a stance against gender-based violence


Scapegoating the victims

In Uganda, pregnant teenagers are expelled from school



Exclusion can cause and intensify conflicts


Saying "sorry" is not enough

The Chilean president asked the indigenous people for forgiveness for the crimes of colonialism


The fates of two teenage mothers

In Nigeria, many girls’ lives are ruined by early pregnancy

Sex education

Face the truth

Nigeria’s incidence of teenage pregnancies is unacceptably high

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