Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Contaminated water causes cholera

Poor sanitation led to an outbreak of cholera in Zambia

Child abuse

When crime is the best of many bad options

Street children are involved in organised crime in Bangladesh

Public health

A daunting challenge

In fighting cancer, awareness raising is an important first step


Unaffordable treatment

Because of poverty, fear, ignorance and taboos, cancer is normally diagnosed late in Benin

Global governance

Taxes serve SDG achievement

To achieve the SDGs, tax policies must be drafted prudently – and global coordination would make sense


Planned parenthood via mobile phone

If teenage pregnancies are to be avoided, young people need sex education and access to contraceptives


Big Food causes suffering

Author accuses the food industry of making the poor sick

G5 Sahel Joint Force

Pulling together

The many military missions attempting to bring stability to West Africa are being hindered by a marked lack of coordination

Non-governmental organisations

Rising to a global health menace

NGO activism must drive whole-of-society response to non-communicable diseases


China’s efforts

China is keen on promoting sustainable development

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