Soziokulturelle Faktoren

African responses

Sub-Saharan health-care systems tend to be weak, so preventive action is needed in view of Covid-19

Women’s safety

Fighting for justice

Domestic violence is widespread in Brazil and has deep cultural roots


Security-focused modernisation has failed in Afghanistan

An attempt to build peace in Afghanistan – with the Taliban


In Delhi, fire has followed hate speech

Politically motivated rioting is engulfing north-eastern Delhi

Violence against women

Wheels of justice

Malawi police move deliberately to investigate officers accused of rape

Culture clash

Grave diggers burden bereaved families

While bereaved families mourn, some grave diggers in Malawi add to their woes by imposing late-payment penalties


Women in headscarves protecting India's democracy

The background of current protests against Hindu supremacism

South Africa

Foreign workers built prosperity

How the needs of the labour market promoted migration to South Africa

Human rights

Battle cry “blasphemy”

Laws against “blasphemy”, “defamation of religion” and “apostasy” are incompatible with universal human rights


JUMP – to The Hague

Young researchers from Global South can apply for mentoring programme and then attend EADI/ISS conference

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