Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Infrastructure projects

Paying the price for development

When people are displaced to make room for large-scale development projects, the trauma and impoverishment are real and long-lasting


Changing stereotypes

In spite of various global assessments, many Pakistani women do not think anything is wrong with gender relations in their countries

Land ownership

How the first redistribution attempt failed

The policy proposed by Namibia’s first National Land Reform Conference in the early 1990s never took off

Land restitution

Righting a wrong

To make amends for colonial-era crimes, Germany should fund Namibian land restitution

Idi Amin photo exhibition

Facets of a despot

A photo exhibition marks a first tentative attempt by Ugandans to come to terms with the past under Idi Amin

Recurring trauma

Feelings of aggravation

The history of anti-Muslim violence in India

Summer Special

Khalil – inside the mind of a terrorist

Yasmina Khadra’s latest novel gives insights into the thoughts and life of a terrorist

Our view

Black lives matter

Legacies of colonialism and slavery are being reassessed around the world after protests that started in Minneapolis

Summer Special

Kolkata, New York, Venice

Amitav Ghosh’s novel “Gun island” deals with global heating and global migration


Environmental destruction

Poverty is an important driver of deforestation in sub-Saharan countries

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