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Working life

Vocational education for girls in Uganda

Smart Girls Foundation, a social enterprise, trains girls in areas like machinery welding, automotive mechanics and electric installation

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German policy

BMZ makes bold statement of intent

The new Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Daily Life

Motherhood in Burundi

A working mother of five reports how she organises childcare despite expensive day-care in Burundi


Fighting violence through martial arts

In Zimbabwe more and more women defend themselves against violent attacks by training martial arts

Female mechanics

Breaking the gender-role system in the workplace

In Kenya, a new trend of female mechanics is challenging traditional beliefs

Girl's education

Nepalese girls still don’t have equal educational opportunities

The lives of young women in Nepal are determined by traditions and taboos, even though the constitution guarantees them equal rights

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Education in India

Covid-19’s devastating effects on India’s education

The pandemic interrupted the education of 360 million Indian students and kept them trapped in their homes, mostly without any option for e-learning

Young generation

How Generation Z is changing the world of work in development

Attitudes have changed towards global relations and work-life balance – at Berlin’s Centre for Rural Development (SLE) as well

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Good education for everyone

Though poor education affects society as a whole, many governments do not prioritise the sector appropriately


Mexico wants to prevent teenage pregnancies

What young Latin Americans must learn about sex and reproductive health

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.