Human rights

Sustainability certifications: stricter criteria needed

German government’s Green Button initiative could do even more to ensure social standards


How the climate crisis affects cotton production in Pakistan

Rising temperatures have contributed to a 50 % decline in cotton production in Pakistan

Occupational health

Toxic substances in the life cycle of clothing

Many workers in textile and garments manufacturing are exposed to health risks they do not understand


Stemming the tide of plastic waste

With the decision to conclude new global treaties, UN members are rising to a daunting environmental challenge

Garments production

Clothing must get more value again

Textile production is an ethically, morally and ecologically complex issue – the industry needs social and sustainability standards

DBL Group

“We are growing dynamically”

Automation will have multiple implications, positive and negative – for example people will have better training so their opportunities improve

Climate justice

Climate justice cannot be left to market dynamics

There is an international trend to draft green deals, but they are not up to task

Transformation to sustainbility

New mindset needed

How to make transformation happen

Outdated paradigms

Shaping a common sustainable future

In view of environmental crisis, political economist wants economic activity, growth and consumption to be reconsidered


A push from development banks

Multilateral development banks play an important role for the economic recovery of Latin American and Caribbean countries

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