Reach climate goals with Power-to-X

Morocco is focusing on renewable energies. Germany has been its partner from the outset. Construction of a reference facility for green hydrogen (Power-to-X) is the first project resulting from the hydrogen alliance between the two countries


“Expansion of renewables offers enormous employment potential”

Development Minister Svenja Schulze on the need to ensure a socially just transition for a sustainable energy transformation


Rapid further expansion of renewable energy

Good news from the International Energy Agency (IEA): renewable energy capacity will increase by a record amount in 2023. That involves a lot of work, in which KfW is playing its part

Labour market

Developing Malawi’s food sector

Malawi’s food processing industry has great potential but cannot keep up with demand. Cooperatives can be part of the solution

Global food supply

There is enough for everyone

Almost 800 million people still suffer from chronic hunger. One widespread assumption is that when people go hungry, there is not enough to eat. But it is not that simple

Multistakeholder cooperation

From GFAR to GFAiR

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation changes its acronym to underline inclusion and fairness

Pension money

Benefits for Zambian workers

In Zambia, workers can now withdraw up to 20 % of their pension savings allowing to reinvest the money

Water infrastructure

Using groundwater sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater offers considerable opportunities for socio-economic development, particularly in agriculture. The BGR is helping partner countries exploit this resource

Water tenure

Fair access to water for all

In many places, water use is not sufficiently regulated by law. The FAO’s Global Dialogue on Water Tenure aims to make a difference

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Springshed management

Save the Himalayan springs

Many springs in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region are drying up. Preventing degradation is crucial, and local communities need to be involved

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