Development and



Used clothing collection in Germany

The quantity collected by clothing drives has risen significantly since the mid-1990s as consumption habits have changed

Development project

Project develops rural community with shea butter

A sustainable rural city creates employment opportunities for rural dwellers in Uganda

Extreme weather

USA increasingly hit by weather-related disasters

North America’s wildfires, heatwaves, storms and floods are becoming more frequent, more dangerous and more costly

Disaster response

Learning from the catastrophe in the German Ahr Valley

The flooding in July 2021 could have been less disastrous if the authorities had learned from the past and from other countries

Disaster preparedness

Boosting disaster preparedness in the Ganges Delta

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress towards climate resilience


Stemming the tide of plastic waste

With the decision to conclude new global treaties, UN members are rising to a daunting environmental challenge

Road safety

High death risk on African roads

Why success regarding SDG target for road safety hinges on Africa

Our view

Why life is safer in high-income countries

Resilience depends more on strong institutions than on purchasing power

Fatal fires

When building regulations are not followed

Government officials pay too little attention to fire hazards in Nepal

Fire hazards

Nepal pays too little attention to fire hazards

Poor enforcement of building codes, inadequate zoning controls and deficient infrastructure add up to significant fire hazards in Nepal

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