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Gender Equality

The fate of mothers with disabled children

In families with disabled children in Malawi, women bear the main burden – moreover, they are often abandoned by their husbands and communities


Good education for everyone

Though poor education affects society as a whole, many governments do not prioritise the sector appropriately


Mexico wants to prevent teenage pregnancies

What young Latin Americans must learn about sex and reproductive health

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Demographic dividend

Benefiting from falling numbers of children

Under certain conditions, falling birth rates can produce a “demographic dividend”, for example in sub-Saharan Africa

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Religious totalitarianism

Iran’s protests resonate around the world

Women everywhere must be free to go where they like and dress as they please


Empowerment of female smallholders

An agroecological community project in Mexico has empowered women and achieved a major mindset change of the residents towards them


LGBTQI rights remain sensitive issue

A fashion event steers uproar in Zambia as religious moralists criticise the promotion of homosexuality and minority rights


Small loans for rural women

Micro loans help rural women to start small businesses and to get more financially independent

Gender disparities

South Asian gender disparities get worse in economic crises

Economic downturns hit women and girls harder – for example in Pakistan

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Gender Equality

In order to achieve gender equality, it is necessary to empower women and girls.

Mexico’s first female president

The result of Mexico’s presidential election was historical for several reasons. It was the first time the winner was a woman, a non-Catholic and someone with scientific expertise unlike her predecessors who had degrees either in law or economics.


Good education for everyone

Though poor education affects society as a whole, many governments do not prioritise the sector appropriately


Mexico wants to prevent teenage pregnancies

What young Latin Americans must learn about sex and reproductive health

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Demographic dividend

Benefiting from falling numbers of children

Under certain conditions, falling birth rates can produce a “demographic dividend”, for example in sub-Saharan Africa

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Religious totalitarianism

Iran’s protests resonate around the world

Women everywhere must be free to go where they like and dress as they please


Empowerment of female smallholders

An agroecological community project in Mexico has empowered women and achieved a major mindset change of the residents towards them


LGBTQI rights remain sensitive issue

A fashion event steers uproar in Zambia as religious moralists criticise the promotion of homosexuality and minority rights


Small loans for rural women

Micro loans help rural women to start small businesses and to get more financially independent

Gender disparities

South Asian gender disparities get worse in economic crises

Economic downturns hit women and girls harder – for example in Pakistan

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Women's rights

Determined youth stand up to Iran’s autocratic regime

Women demanding personal freedom are leading uprising against Ayatollah regime

Development policy

Germany’s approach to feminist development policy

Svenja Schulze on how the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will promote women’s rights

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