
Short on medicine

Ghana does not have enough HIV/AIDS medication


Multilateral banks honeymoon

The first co-financing effort looks promising, but ADB and AIIB may yet become fierce adversaries

Social and environmental standards

Let’s race to the top

NGOs praise ADB for environmental and social safeguards but want better implementation


Money matters

Cricket has become big business in India’s emerging consumer society


Hero worship

The devotion of Indian cricket fans to their icons is probably unparalleled; not all forms of hero worship are healthy however

Renewable energy

Emerging markets overtake industrialised states

Record investments in solar, wind and hydropower

Global economy

Deepening uncertainty

New and old international financial institutions are likely to be tested in 2016

Orthodox economics

Beyond structural reforms

The standard IFI stance on structural reforms is neither totally wrong nor entirely correct

World economy

Cooperation beats confrontation

In times of financial distress, countries are likely to ask for support from both established and new IFIs

Relevant reading

Debate on industrial policy

Relevant reading: World Bank economists disagree about interventionist industrial policy

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