Cultural loss

National disaster

The devastating fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro symbolises the desperate political situation in Brazil

Industry 4.0

The digitalisation of world trade

Digitally-enabled trade on the agenda of G20 summit in Buenos Aires in late November

The dangerous downward spiral of Turkey’s economy

Erdogan and Trump are both acting recklessly

IMF and China

IMF and China join hands to tackle looming debt problems

Why Beijing’s Belt-and-Road loans could cause harm

Public finance

High time to get organised

On their own, the rich nations are no longer able to regulate tax issues internationally

New Silk Road

Clean at home, dirty abroad

China massively invests in coal power in the Belt and Road countries

Political science

Access denied

Springer Nature’s decision to block access to politically controversial content in China has global ramifications


Daily discrimination

Most Mexicans are keenly aware of racism and class divides


Who are we?

Spain’s colonial rule has left marks on Mexico

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