International policymaking

Growing complexity

Emerging markets must assume global responsibility, and the international community must respect their needs

Evangelical churches

Gaining ground

Evangelical churches are on the rise in Brazil, and even have political influence

World market

Low wages are not all

Latin America is leading according to a new ranking of promising markets and potential production sites

Multilateral institutions

Crisis credit

The IMF and multilateral development banks support middle-income countries , but bypass low-income countries in global financial crisis


Conferences of consequence

Global environment summits like Rio+20 trigger new initiatives in China

Challenged diplomacy

Disputed rocks

Why a few rocks in the South China Sea matter a lot

Donor government

BRICS without mortar

International development arena: BRICS lack mortar

Emerging power

Coal, solar or nuclear power?

Energy: South Africa is torn between fossil, renewable and nuclear options

Latin America

Rebellion against market radicalism

Protesters in Chile call for social reform and more government intervention

PEGNet conference

African lions and Asian tigers

PEGNet conference: African lions and Asian tigers

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