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Mirror of the state

The police reflects a country’s power arrangements

Southeast Asia

Policing the Philippines’ law enforcers

Why Filipinos have reason to fear their nation’s police force

Rule of law

Prisons need reform

By reforming its prisons, Bangladesh can set an example


Making friends on the air

Freedom Radio’s police programme is putting pressure on law enforcers in Kano, Nigeria


Boosting state revenue

Kenyan police officers help the tax authority boost government revenue

Open secrets

Arab countries’ secret police forces have a reputation for torture and arbitrary arrests


Post-colonial authoritarianism

Binayak Sen is a post-colonial victim of a repressive law from India’s colonial past


Private party

Mozambique is not an open access society


Clear rules and methods

New IDEA handbook on electoral justice


“Schools without roofs”

Anti-corruption chief at Asian Development Bank assess experience in an interview

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