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Ethnic tensions

Roots of violence

In Kenya, ethnic tensions are intertwined with long-standing disputes over land


Praise individuals, not the trend

The growing influence of philanthropy in public affairs is worrisome


From 21st century socialism to dictatorship

Why Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro wants a new constitution

Land grabbing

Mafia-like networks

Land grabbing will not stop as long as officials are users and investors themselves

Land grabbing

Commercialisation is destroying community rules

Land conflicts are escalating in Chad, with farmers suffering most


Education for catching up

Better education and more investments must pave the way to African development

Colonial legacy

No land in sight

Despite independence since 1990, land ownership remains unfairly distributed in Namibia

Civil society

Diminished civic equality

Philanthropy is gaining ever more influence in the USA – and that has international implications

Water supply

Long-term structural development

Despite civil war in South Sudan, GIZ is working on infrastructure improvement to supply water to people

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.