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Who are we?

Spain’s colonial rule has left marks on Mexico

Public interest litigation

Holding government agencies accountable

In Bangladesh, Public Interest Litigation helps courts to ensure that government officers are not above the law

Rule of law

Room for improvement

Contemporary Bangladeshi law is still largely colonial in nature as well as spirit

Diplomats of the world unite – to help to contain Trump

A reckless White House needs to be opposed

Results of African division

Difficult legacy

Political and economic, legal and linguistic structures rooting in colonialism impede African unity


Employment blues

Most Beninese people must cope with the constant insecurity of informal employment


No trust in institutions

The anti-democratic legacy of Spanish and US colonialism in the Philippines


Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think

Colonial legacies

An era of darkness

Shashi Tharoor refutes the idea that British imperialism was on a civilising mission in India

Latin America

Dysfunctional governance

Brazil’s democracy is in crisis

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.