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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Mexico must include its indigenous population in the tourism sector

Mexico owes many of its tourist attractions to its wealth of indigenous communities. It is important that they are included in the country’s tourism industry in a sustainable, respectful and empowering way.

Urban life

No water – or too much of it

2019 Chennai suffered a terrible drought – after devastating flooding four years earlier

Climate protection

Appropriate carbon prices

Why carbon emissions pricing and carbon shadow pricing both make sense

Multilateral agency

Africa needs the WHO

US President Donald Trump’s decision to halt funding to World Health Organization (WHO) is likely to hurt many Africans

Pandemic response

Global solutions required

Either we beat the Coronavirus worldwide or we will not beat it at all, says Gerd Müller, minister of development

Tumbling oil price

End of an era

The news went from bad to worse for OPEC in April

Shared responsibility

Debt relief for poorest countries

Left to themselves, developing countries can’t cope with the Covid-19 pandemic


Oil majors feel the shock

Multinational oil companies are under pressure

Oil markets

How the mighty have fallen

Oil producers are not able to send shock waves through the global economy anymore


Unfinished business

The hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is likely to result in a mess

KfW financing

Investing in better networks

This is where KfW invests in new storage facilities and networks for renewable energy