
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Breaking gender stereotypes: female bus driver in Rwanda

Marie Rosine Ntabomvura, a mother of three, in Kigali, defies gender stereotypes that prescribe roles and abilities based on gender. When she turns the wheel of the humongous 60-seater town-bound bus, nothing about her skill suggests that she is intimidated by...

Violent strife

Rekindling the war on drugs

Why destroying Colombian coca fields with pesticides may backfire terribly

Our view

Undeniable challenges

Not the extinction of individual species is dangerous, but the collapse of entire ecosystems

Primary forests

Indigenous peoples are key stakeholders

The indispensable role of local communities in the protection of Amazonian forests


Keeping the life insurance

Inclusion of community and long-term funding are vital for effective conservation

Coral bleaching

Endangered ocean treasures

Climate protection will not suffice to protect coral reefs


When action comes too late

Vale seems to be finally learning the lessons disasters

Development finance

KfW’s foreign portfolio

KfW disburses concessional credits as well as grants, the credits often serve to support infrastructure projects

Development finance

“This is a marathon”

KfW Board Member Joachim Nagel strives to continue the fight for climate protection and sustainability determinedly


Left-wing populists cause hardship too

What Venezuela and Zimbabwe have in common

Networking beyond the UNFCCC

A more holistic approach

Traditional knowledge is relevant for protecting both biodiversity and the climate


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.