MENA Middle East North Africa


Between worlds

David Majed: Young refugees struggle to define their identities in Germany


Studies versus war

Libya’s violent power struggles stop children from attending school

Ressource wealth

“Deathly silence”

How Saudi oil money is fuelling extremism and violence internationally

Arab spring

“Demonised, insulted and threatened”

I hope that Tunisia will choose well this time

Elders’ authority

Everyday life is surprisingly peaceful

Military intervention cannot solve Libya’s current political problems

Rule of law

Legal challenges

Promising, but incomplete: Tunisia’s legal provisions for achieving democracy and reconciliation


A hard life in the desert

In Western Sahara, many people, including children, lose limbs because of landmines and cluster munition

Civil war

Invisible victims

Exiled Syrians help fellow citizens in Jordan in private rehabilitation centres

Gender Equality

Unspeakable phenomenon

In Libya, domestic violence is not talked about

Empricial data

Underestimated suffering

The plight of refugees with disabilities tends to be overlooked as research in Jordan and Lebanon shows

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