Development and

Latin America and the Caribbean


A second “No”

Voters in Chile have rejected a second proposed new constitution. The divide between society and the political class is growing

Constitutional referendum

Why Chile needs another constitutional assembly

For the time being, the left wing-vision for Chile has not come true


Cooking without harming health and the environment

A Mexican civil-society organisation provides households and schools with smoke-free and wood-saving stoves, protecting the health of users and the woods

Rule of law

Mexico needs opportunities, not violence

Mexico had high expectations of the present government’s promise to curb crime and improve security. With crime rates high and prosecution rates low, confidence in the state and its institutions is now waning further


Social presidency in difficult times

Brazil is taking over the G20 presidency. President Lula da Silva is hoping to strengthen Brazil’s international role after the Bolsonaro years, though he faces a major diplomatic challenge

Authoritarian leaders

Brazil defended democracy more effectively than the US

Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro adopted similar strategies, but Brazil offered a stronger and faster response against threats to presidential election results than the United States

Living with disability

Therapy for young people with disabilities in Colombia

In Colombia, it is often difficult for children and young people with disabilities to receive medical care. The “Familias siguen adelante” project aims to change that

Animal protection

New home for tortured animals in Bolivia

The Afasi wildlife sanctuary in Bolivia can only exist through donations and the efforts of volunteers


A father-son relationship in crisis

Nassir Djafari’s debut novel illuminates a father-son relationship

Living with nature

Bolivia’s extraordinary biodiversity is under threat

Bolivia has many protected areas, but human activities are impacting the country’s biodiversity

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