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East Asia

ADB and AIIB share interest in infrastructure

Changing landscape of development finance


“Pool and share knowledge”

The role of the Asian Development Bank and other IFIs in the eyes of Germany’s BMZ

Large Chinese companies

The government doesn’t control everything

Chinese corporations are new and ambitious actors on the world stage

Chinese multinationals

Underestimated giants

The world market impact of Chinese corporations is growing

Visual arts in China

Art as a reflection of cosmic harmony

Interest in western art and in freedom of expression first emerged when the Chinese empire collapsed

Visual arts in China

Provocation is permitted, explicit criticism is not

Under President Xi Jinping, pressure has increased on civil society, including on artists

Summer special

Of wolves and men

Summer Special 8: In "Wolf totem", Jiang Rong criticises the destruction of nature and the suppression of Mongol traditions in China


Beyond trade

For Philippines, decision to join TPP may depend on geopolitical concerns rather than trade deal’s merits and downsides

Energy-efficient buildings

China can save 40 % of its heating energy

In China, more and more houses are being made energy efficient – but 50 billion square metres of building area is a lot of ground to cover

Energy-efficient buildings

Learning from China

Knowledge and expertise relating to energy-efficient retrofitting can be applied to many countries if they scale back their energy subsidies

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