Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Financing lives

The largest single donor worldwide has halted its development cooperation: funding for USAID has been frozen for 90 days and is currently under review. These actions by the US president are already costing human lives. The global community must save what it ca...


Discussing "pro-poor growth"

Annual PEGNet conference will assess how growth can be made to benefit disadvantaged people

Multilateral affairs

Missed opportunity

In the eyes of civil-society organisations, the UN conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa was a disappointment

Monetary union

Lessons not learned

Greece’s crisis reminds African observers of failed structural-adjustment programmes


Hunger in Ebola quarantine

Ebola quarantine in Sierra Leone leaves people without food

Health care

Wormy water

Merck, the German pharma corporation, is contributing to the elimination of schistosomiasis

Health care

Transmission and implications of bilharzia

Transmission and impact of schistosomiasis

Fighting poverty

Tackling social exclusion

ODI researchers assess impact of social protection programmes in South Asia

Adapting to climate change

The view from below

What climate change means for livelihoods in Bangladesh


Hunger in numbers

UN argues that MDG 1 showed fighting hunger can succeed


From the community,  for the community

Why community-based animal-health workers are indispensable, not only in Ethiopia