Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

TV sets for poor households in Ghana

A Ghanaian businessman runs two companies that tackle the problem of digital waste. He is in competition with informal waste recycling, which has a poor reputation because it damages the environment, exploits workers and exposes them to harmful substances.

Foreign trade

Exports as drivers of growth

Relevant reading: exports contribute to driving growth – but they need to be the right sort of exports

Youth unemployment

A ticking time bomb

Kenyan authors analyse the problem of youth unemployment in their country and how it can be tackled


Climate change deserves top-level attention

El Niño aggravated heat and drought this year

Aid effectiveness

Modest impact

Low-income countries are not the main beneficiaries of aid for trade


Difficult setting

Hopping from crisis to crisis, Pakistani governments seem to be conditioned to opt for quick fixes

Growth strategy

Incoherent policymaking

Pakistan’s exports are declining even though successive governments have promised export-led development

Climate change remains a burning issue

Humankind’s most daunting challenge

Economic policy

Bypassing the poor

“Make in India” is unlikely to boost the country’s suffering economy


From free trade to fair trade

Gerd Müller, German minister for international cooperation and development, demands fair rules for sustainable export industries

Garment production

Niche market: fair trade

Consumers’ purchasing choices can have an impact on how goods are produced