Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

TV sets for poor households in Ghana

A Ghanaian businessman runs two companies that tackle the problem of digital waste. He is in competition with informal waste recycling, which has a poor reputation because it damages the environment, exploits workers and exposes them to harmful substances.


Is microcredit a debt trap?

Intricate factors determine if microcredits are a success or failure

Human rights

Make contraceptives available

All people deserve to have a broad variety of family-planning options – including in rural Uganda


The fates of two teenage mothers

In Nigeria, many girls’ lives are ruined by early pregnancy

Sex education

Face the truth

Nigeria’s incidence of teenage pregnancies is unacceptably high


Facts and figures on family planning

Young women, in particular, are unable to use contraceptives and plan their families as they wish

Education and contraception

Self-determined life for women

Societal norms and lack of equality stand in the way of modern family planning and contraception


Village banking changes lives

In Malawi, villagers set up their own saving funds


Unfinished business

There needs to be societal change to prevent unwanted pregnancies and promote female equality

Health care

Investing in the world’s poorest children

According to UNICEF, supporting the world’s poorest children is twice as effective as supporting those who are less poor


The ANC’s real crisis

The ANC’s big problem is that it has not brought about the social change it promised in the anti-Apartheid struggle